IcePass – paving the way for an enhanced 

integration of electric systems in novel aircrafts.

Innovative ICE Protection and Shielding System for HLFC Demonstrator


Project Objective

The main objective of the Icepass project will be to develope electrical harnesses able to feed and monitoring electrical IPS and shielding systems. The space limitation existing in the aircrafts wings, where several systems should live together, has caused Icepass reinvent the typical harnesses contruction and segregation originating an innovative way to carry electricity.

Project Leader

Adatica Engineering is the project leader, and responsible of the design, manufacturing and testing of the systems.  With more than 10 years of track-record designing structure and system components for Airbus Defence & Space, with sound experience in developing and producing additive manufacturing solutions for aerospace sector.


This project has received funding from the Clean Sky 2 Joint Undertaking under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 886985.

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